

“有责任心”有责任心的英语的英文conscientious conscientious 英 ,k#594n#643#618#39en#643#601s 美 #39kɑn#643#618#39#603n#643#601s造句如下She is very conscientious and never skimps。


责任心的英语是responsibility 读作r#618#716spɑns#601#712b#618l#601ti ,意思是,责任职责负责任责任感,责任心,名词属性造句1他们希望自己的工作能够逐步培养起孩子们的一种责任。

responsible的意思是负责的,可靠的有责任的 英r#x026A#39sp#x0252ns#x026Ab#x0259l 美 r#x026A#x02C8spɑns#x0259b#x0259l 词语用法 be responsible for表示“对负责任”,它的主语不一定是人,这种用法在美式英语中较常见 The cold。

be responsible,be kindheartedgoodheartedcaringbenevolent,be good at communicating,love education。

英语句子关于责任心 1责任就是对自己要求去做的事情有一种爱歌德 1, the responsibility is to own request to do have a kind of love Goethe 2天下兴亡,匹夫有责顾炎武 2, the rise and。

有责任心,学习能力强,工作态度积极端正,沟通协调能力好 的英文Responsibility, strong learning ability, positive working attitude, good communication and coordination ability ability 读法 英 #601#712b#618l。

12一人做事一人当,男子汉应该有的就是责朱成伟 13一个人若是没有热情,他将一事无成,而热情的基点正是责任心列夫托尔斯泰 14一个人能承担多大的责任,就能取得多大的成功!佚名 15要使一个人显示他的本质,叫他承担一种。

2一个人能承担多大的责任,就能取得多大的成功!how a person can take responsibility, can be made much success!3责任并不是有责任心的英语你的负担,而是一种你应具有的信念,做一个有责任心的人吧responsibility is not a。

我是一个有责任心,有爱心,善于沟通,热爱教育事业的人英语怎样翻译 I am a person who is responsible , caring and good at communication and have a great love for education career I am a person who is not。

As a man, who should have a sense of responsibility。

翻译吗有责任心的英语?如果是汉语翻成英语的话,那应该是这样I am a very responsible person, I believe I can do this job满意的话请采纳~~。

有责任心,爱我,疼我,懂得照顾我,关心我,包容我,成熟稳重,有上进心的人英文翻译Have a sense of responsibility, love me, hurt me, know how to take care of me, care for me, inclusive, mature, motivated。

I think my mother is a brave and responsible woman,I admire her。

回答您好! 翻译为Be responsible and patient to students 望您采纳,谢谢您对这次。

Good English speaking ,easygoing , friendly to people, like to talk to others and responsible 满意请采纳,谢谢。

2,surprise是有形容词词性,不符合楼上所说通用的观点3,接下来的几年是个固定的说法,要用following,楼上的解释有些牵强the year that followed为什么要接连接词没有说清楚,那是为了把它当作一个定语,如果没有。

I must be a person with the heart of responsibility, and be responsible to myself。



